Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Pros and Cons of Buying An Older Home

Some people prefer the character that an older home provides while others prefer the newness of a newly constructed home.  

Like most things in life, both have their pros and cons. It’s really a matter of preference or better yet you walking into a house and knowing that this is the house for you. 

We’ll give you a little insight and some things to think about when buying an older home to help you decide; but  ultimately it comes down to that one house that just calls to you.

The Pros Of Buying An Older Home 

Character - Special things like beautiful woodwork, built-in, hide-away doors and ornate ceilings and fixtures all add character to the home. These special touches were definitely touches of craftsmanship that were all a part of building homes in the early years and most homes built today can’t even come close to these special touches. 

Sturdy Construction - Older homes have been built with sturdier materials and craftsmanship that have withstood the trials of time and weathered the worse.

Location - Older homes are usually built in a city area or relatively nearby making them close to amenities and attractions and offers shorter commutes.

Mature Landscaping - Those big oak trees, fully grown bushes, and green grass that’s been around for ages are all something that only time can give you. 

Stable Zoned Areas - These areas are not likely to be seeing many changes in the future as most neighborhoods with older homes are well established. 

The Cons Of Buying An Older Home

Most older homes are not equipped for today’s technology – electrical wiring, built in dishwashers, ceiling fans, central air conditioning and other items that we've become used to simply weren't around to build in to these homes so now we have the added cost and trouble of having to add these things ourselves.

Less storage space and smaller closets, or even lack of closets, is a big turn-off with many buyers looking at older homes. People simply didn't use to live in times when they had huge wardrobes and tons of stuff to need storage space. Most storage was needed for things such as storing canned goods and cellar pantries or small fruit cellars were common in older homes. So if you have a lot of clothes and items you need to store, chances are you’ll be finding a different method of storage if you purchase an older home.

More costly maintenance and often more maintenance required on an older home as opposed to a newer home. Chances are if someone hasn't already done updates you’re going to find issues with plumbing, electrical work, tree roots in sewer systems, and more. 

The possibility of lead paint and asbestos in the construction of the home, simply because these items were not illegal to build with and not necessarily known as a health hazard. 
Older homes can be more expensive to purchase in some cases because they’re in the city and properties in the city, especially large cities, tend to be scarce. However, they can also be less in price if they do need updates.

Broken up layouts – as opposed to big open living spaces in newer homes, older homes often are very cut up with doors and windows placed in places that create issues in fitting furniture into room and seeming less living space per say.


In Conclusion

 In the end it’s simply a matter of preference and your own attraction to the home. If a home is brand new and just jumps out at you that it’s the one for you then you’re going to buy it. If a home is an older home and you instantly feel like you should own it then that’s the one for you.

No matter what house you buy there are pros and cons and each house is different in its own way. What may be an issue in some older homes may not be an issue in the particular one you’re looking at. The best way to decide if the house is for you there’s really nothing better than a gut feeling to go by when making your decision.

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